Little things in 2018

I find it somewhat telling that I stopped completely recording any little things just before I started my new job. The last few months of 2017 were extremely busy, new job is not really what I was hoping for, I feel bad about leaving my old job five months before I was actually supposed to and I have been fighting off some what feels like is turning into a pretty serious depressive episode. But, for today, I've managed to do a couple of things and that's all I have in me. I'm back to not just take it day by day but take it hour by hour. A list of any bright spots is even more important than ever and I have to start really searching for them every day. Even on the very worst days, there usually is something.

Here's the link for my original it's the little things page, and the one for the second iteration, too (for some reason that one kept switching to an extra small font), as well as little things in 2017.

Sunday 7th January 2018
Had shower and washed hair
Cooked one piece of turkey that I bought in coconut oil and balsamic vinegar as a filling late-afternoon snack
Did the washing-up, including salad spinner
Prepared marinade for the rest of the turkey and chopped it into small pieces, added an onion since I had the chopping board out anyway
Sat down again but once I'd finished my snack got up and peeled and chopped most of the remaining veg - a couple of potatoes to boil later for with the turkey and the rest into a big pot to make soup for the rest of the week 
Decided to phone my brother and had a really good chat 

Monday 5th March 2018
Actually got all of the stuff on my shopping list, including battery for my ukulele tuner
Practiced ukulele (ok, only for about three minutes, but it's more than nothing)

Tuesday 6th March 2018
Filled out and posted health study questionnaire

Wednesday 7th March 2018
Emailed last (I think!) place to update my new address

Saturday 12th March 2018
Actually got up and out of the house and went to watch the rugby in the pub before heading into the library to get some translating done

Sunday 11th March 2018
Washing up done. And then again.
Breakfasts and lunches for next week made
Rubbish brought down
Washing done and hanging to dry

Monday 12th March
Delicious fish soup and salad with friends

Tuesday 13th March
Finally made it back to back training

Saturday 17th March
Managed to fit in a quick stop at the supermarket before getting to the Irish pub to watch the rugby

Thursday 22nd March
Was a bit of a rush but made it to blood donor clinic on time

Monday 26th March 2018
Made it through first "Bewegungstermin" and physio was really nice to me
Remembered to take photos of food all day

Tuesday 27th March 2018
Actually managed to get two translations done after having been fairly sure I wouldn't manage it
Twins born

Thursday 29th March 2018
Wensleydale with cranberries

Sunday 30th October 2018
Made a good, healty, tasty dinner

Friday 2nd November 2018
Got off work earlier than expected and used the time to go and join the gym
Dinner at home

Saturday 3rd November 2018
Cycled to gym for introductory appointment

Sunday 4th November 2018
Day started with a short but sweet phone call 

Monday 19th November 2018
Wandered through Käthe Wohlfahrt and saw and bought this year's decoration

Friday 30th November 2018
Hoovered sitting room
New table

Saturday 1st December 2018
Phone call from a study
Since I now have a proper table, I sorted through piles of paper that has just been sitting around for months - not quite finished but it feels like a manageable task now

Sunday 2nd December 2018
Salty popcorn
Did the washing-up
Chopped the veg that wouldn't have lasted until I get back from Ireland and cooked it - just leeks, onion and tomatoes but I'll have it for lunch tomorrow and be glad of a few vegetables


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