Well, looks like I rarely managed to find anything to be appreciative of in 2019 or 2020, or at least rarely managed to make a note of anything. It is now mid-September 2021 and I really want to start being more mindful again, so here we go.
Update 21.04.2022
Hmm. That was a whole lot of not following through. Looks like I definitely have enough space on this page to keep going with 2022, though. :-)
Saturday 18th September 2021
Actually did my TOMM rollover and gave the kitchen a quick clean
17 minutes on the exercise bike
Fiery red sunset
Sunday 19th September 2021
Set digital well-being bedtime mode to run for 10 hours last night and avoided scrolling first thing this morning
Another lovely sunset
Glad for easy availability of painkillers today
Monday 20th September 2021
(Feels a bit like clutching at straws but...) Successfully resisted the urge to create an opposite of this list, showing all the things that have irritated me on a given day
Just for fun, tried out how far I can close my belt now and I can actually get it closed on the very last hole - I mean, it wouldn't be at all comfortable but I could still breathe - progress!
Very cute video of my twin nephews
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Bad night's sleep and not enough of it, but feeling pretty awake and getting stuff done in work.
Thursday 21st April 2022
Not even sure what exactly it is but today I'm feeling mostly positive and I am appreciating that feeling
Saturday 23rd April 2022
Found myself giving the sink, toilet, taps and showerhead the citric acid treatment
And that somehow led to me dusting the bedroom and hallway
Also, 3 very overdue washes done
Wednesday 27th April 2022
Wisteria and lilac
First "unsere Heimat" tomatoes (very early this year, undoubtedly from a heated greenhouse)
Thursday 28th April 2022
Green zebra tomato plant
Saturday 7th May 2022
Potatoes growing (from chopped up wrinkly old one that I shoved into a couple of pots)
Thursday 12th May 2022
Stretches first thing in the morning
Open-air aquajogging
Saturday 14th May 2022
Kimchi instead of takeaway (had bread and cheese, too. Such a satisfying meal. I think my body needed kimchi.)
More potato plants came up
Sunday 15th May 2022
3 lots of washing done
Weeks old clean washing folded and put away
Half of newly washed stuffed dry already, folded and put away
Clean bed clothes
Monday 16th May 2022
Stretches first thing - just a few but more than none!
Popcorn for lunch
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