
Sunday, June 08, 2014

Sand safety

The lovely Earthchicknits has once again posted a reminded of the dangers of sand hole collapse. She came very close to losing her then three-year-old son seven years ago when they were at the beach and he fell into a hole dug by some kids earlier in the day, which then collapsed on top of him. Thankfully, a woman who helped them search after he went missing remembered the hole-digging from earlier and they found and were able to dig him out before  the worst could happen. Unfortunately, a majority of sand hole collapses involving people do end in death and so Earthchicknits does a lot to spread the word and  try to make sure that everyone knows about this problem. I grew up in Ireland and although it's not the place with the weather to spend every day on the beach, as an island country, spending time on the beach was definitely part and parcel of normal life. And yet I had never heard of this at all. The only safety notices I ever remember were always to do with water safety. Although a quick google reveals at least one death in the last few years so even though it may not be common, it does happen. So, please, do your bit to spread the word. Visit Earthchiciknit's blog, pin the sand safety poster, tweet, blog or post the message on whatever social media you use, talk to people about it and, above all else, when you're at the beach, please make sure to observe good sand safety.

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