
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who can resist tomatoes?

Not me anyway. I ended up buying about 3 kilos. Also got a load of onions to add to the cucumber pickles I will be making shortly. And some salad, some cheese, raspberries, redcurrants, a few apples and loads of strawberries. So now I need to go and do something with all of that.

As for the tomatoes, I got one of each type from one of the farmers and just three from the other (on the plate in the picture the three at the front). The ones at the back of the picture were all 4.50 a kilo, the smallish San Marzano and the organge plum tomato beside it were also 4.50 a kilo while the ordinary red round one was just 2 euro a kilo. Those were tomatoes which are slightly damaged and so are sold for less as 'soup tomatoes'. As well as the one on the plate, that's the tomatoes in the smaller bowl.

I had a San Marzano, one of the green and one of the white tomatoes for lunch. I think I really liked the green tiger tomatoes two years ago and couldn't get enthusiastic for them last year while I absolutely loved the white ones last year. This year I'm undecided. All three were good but none really made me think, yep, that's definitely going to be my favourite this year. Actually, the big beef tomato I got yesterday from the garden was far better than them I think but perhaps it's difficult to judge as I cooked that before eating it. Oh well. Will just have to keep eating tomatoes till I decide which is best I suppose!

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